3 Areas of Your Life You Should Assess in the New Year

goals resolutions

So, it’s been three weeks now since we said goodbye to another unsettled COVID year and most people are back at work and into the daily commitments and pressures of a new year.   The start of a new year is a good time to reflect over the past year and write down what worked…

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What Women Want: Equality

IWD equality

As a counsellor, gender equality and pay parity aren’t really areas I can claim to be an expert in as part of the discussion around International Women’s Day (IWD). But as a counsellor specialising in women’s wellness, there are a number of subjects I’m privy to having experience with that I think well and truly…

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Why January is a great month for making hard decisions

New Years’ celebrations may have seemed like ages ago now but the reality is, it’s been less than four weeks since we saw in 2019. It’s natural that as the year unfolds and our daily commitments and pressures start to settle back in after some time off, the twinkle in your eye that was there…

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