Improving low self-esteem for a better work and home life

low self esteem

How you think and feel about yourself impacts on your actions and behaviours every minute of every day. Negative self-talk can affect our relationships, our job and our day to day life.  In today’s busy society where there is a constant pressure to do well, or to keep up with social media trends (fashion, home…

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Surround yourself with animals for improved mental health

Pets for improved mental health

Six reasons cuddling up to a fur baby can lift your mood and outlook on life When it comes to addressing and improving mental health, it’s critical that the environment is non-judgmental and non-threatening to create a space that can help improve confidence and wellbeing. Counsellors and medical practitioners work through a number of strategies…

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Feeling sad or lonely this Christmas?

Christmas bauble

Not all Christmases are merry and bright – here’s why it’s normal to feel this and how to survive the festive season guilt-free If Christmas is giving you heart palpitations, a pit in your stomach or bringing tears to your eyes, I want you to know one thing: you are not alone, and this is…

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Christmas expectations and commitments


Christmas is the season to be jolly apparently – definitely the most awaited and celebrated season all year. Unfortunately for some, this time of the year also brings stress, pressure, and worse, depression due to a whole host of reasons. There is a cultural drive towards excessive spending during this season and many of us…

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