9 Ways to Get Your Mojo Back

Get Your Mojo Back

We have now had six months or so of COVID-19 which has meant lockdowns, social distancing, working from home, home schooling and being unable to travel either interstate or overseas. It is not surprising many of us have lost our mojo.


When you have mojo, you are generally full of energy, positive and optimistic and people are naturally drawn to you. At various stages in our life, however, we will lose our mojo. For women, it can be when the children have left home, when you are going through menopause or when you have retired. Or for so many people in 2020, COVID-19 has robbed us of our mojo.


The Cambridge Dictionary defines “mojo” as a quality that attracts people to you and makes you successful and full of energy.


So how do we get it back? Here are my 9 steps to help you get your mojo back:


  1. Sleep – we all need approx. 7-8 hours of sleep a day. It can be easy to stay up binge watching TV but get back in the habit of getting a good night’s sleep.


  1. Wake up and go to bed at the same time – it may sound boring, but by waking up and going to bed at the same time, your body clock will love you for it. If, like me, you’re not a morning person, set a gentle alarm to wake you and make the effort to jump out of bed.


  1. Exercise – you don’t have to go to a gym to exercise and you don’t have to spend a lot of time doing it – just 10-15 minutes a day will make a difference to your energy levels. Walk around your local parks or go for a drive and find a new park to explore. Do some push ups or star jumps when you first wake up.


  1. Eat well – it can be tempting to sit around and eat junk food, but you will find that you will lack energy if you eat too much of it. Make the effort to have a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner. Even if you just improve one meal a day or reduce one chocolate bar, you will notice a difference.


  1. Get dressed – it is extremely easy to stay in your PJs or casual clothes all day, but your mindset will improve if you make the effort to get dressed. If you are working from home, dress as if you are going to the office or wherever you work. It’s amazing how your focus and motivation will improve.


  1. Get some Vitamin D – step outside in the sunshine. Vitamin D is so extremely important for our body’s mental and physical health.


  1. Stay social with family and friends. The advantages of 2020 are that while we have not been able to, or cannot connect with family and friends face to face, we can use the telephone, Facetime, Zoom etc. Take advantage of technology.


  1. Create a list of short and long term goals – now is the perfect time to really sit down and work out what you want in life. Create your own bucket list – both personal and professional. Write down the things you want to achieve in the short and long term – this could be things like the books you want to read, places you want to visit (when we can travel again), skills you want to learn to improve yourself personally and/or professionally. Grab a pen and paper and start writing!


  1. Have FUN – having fun is a great way to get your mojo back. Fun means different things for different people. It could be teaching your dog some new tricks, gardening, running outside and playing in the rain, doing a craft, improving your photography skills, doing a crossword, relaxing with a good book, playing hide and seek with the kids. Whatever puts a smile on your dial, DO IT!


Contact me now if you want to find out more about getting your mojo back.

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