How to Reclaim your Life after Childhood Sexual Abuse


What do you remember about your childhood?  Do you have happy memories?  Did you feel loved, secure, protected and innocent?   For many adults, their memories and experiences of their childhood are very different, and these experiences can have a long-lasting effect for the rest of their lives.   According to the Australian Bureau of…

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9 Tips for Dealing with Stress and Anxiety

stress and anxiety

Many of us are juggling work, family and other commitments every day, so it’s no wonder so many people are feeling stressed and anxious.  I know it can be difficult, but it can be so beneficial for both your physical and mental health to slow down and try to set time aside for yourself each…

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How to look after your mental health at Christmas

mental health at Christmas

It has been an “annus horribilis” year and with Christmas now upon us, there are more challenges and emotions to deal with.  While many people enjoy this time of year, for many it brings more pressure on our time and money, while others experience loneliness and grief.  This time of year is proven to increase…

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Do you suffer from the “disease to please”?

people pleaser

Are you a people pleaser? Do you always do what someone asks of you, even if it makes you uncomfortable or wastes your time?   If this sounds like you, then you could be suffering from what is sometimes referred to as the “disease to please“, meaning you frequently say ‘yes’ to people when in…

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The 5 Senses Guide to Practicing Mindfulness

Abuse and Trauma Counselling Ipswitch

Whether you’re feeling uneasy about world events, you’re busy running around after everyone else, or you’re stressed about finances, relationships or work, there is one age-old practice you can introduce to your day to help you find some calm and collect your thoughts. One of the best ways to relax into the present moment is…

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Improving low self-esteem for a better work and home life

low self esteem

How you think and feel about yourself impacts on your actions and behaviours every minute of every day. Negative self-talk can affect our relationships, our job and our day to day life.  In today’s busy society where there is a constant pressure to do well, or to keep up with social media trends (fashion, home…

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