12 Days of Christmas – Self Care

self care

  Christmas is supposed to be the season to be merry but for many of us it is a season of stress and anxiety.  It can also be a time of loneliness particularly if you have recently lost a loved one or your loved one is away.  It is also a time of shopping for…

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How to find Self-Love this Valentine’s Day


February is here and everyone is talking about Valentine’s Day and we will shortly be bombarded by all the commercialism around it.  Don’t get me wrong, I love romance as much as anyone else and I have been happily married for 19 years but I think there is so much pressure to be part of…

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Do you suffer from the “disease to please”?

people pleaser

Are you a people pleaser? Do you always do what someone asks of you, even if it makes you uncomfortable or wastes your time?   If this sounds like you, then you could be suffering from what is sometimes referred to as the “disease to please“, meaning you frequently say ‘yes’ to people when in…

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Opportunity in change: how to make the most of disruption

Opportunity in change: how to make the most of disruption

In times of disruption, turmoil and chaos, it’s hard to accept that change can be as good as a holiday and that variety is the spice of life. Now more than ever with the current COVID-19 health scares and economic instability, I know many people are feeling unsure, frightened and angry at the change that…

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What Women Want: Equality

IWD equality

As a counsellor, gender equality and pay parity aren’t really areas I can claim to be an expert in as part of the discussion around International Women’s Day (IWD). But as a counsellor specialising in women’s wellness, there are a number of subjects I’m privy to having experience with that I think well and truly…

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Be your own Valentine this Valentine’s Day

self love

When you think about it, flying through this turbulent life is no different to a plane in distress – when the masks drop, you must apply yours before attending to others.   Why am I talking about plane disasters in a Valentine’s Day article? Because it’s a great analogy to recognise that sharing love with…

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Improving low self-esteem for a better work and home life

low self esteem

How you think and feel about yourself impacts on your actions and behaviours every minute of every day. Negative self-talk can affect our relationships, our job and our day to day life.  In today’s busy society where there is a constant pressure to do well, or to keep up with social media trends (fashion, home…

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Christmas expectations and commitments


Christmas is the season to be jolly apparently – definitely the most awaited and celebrated season all year. Unfortunately for some, this time of the year also brings stress, pressure, and worse, depression due to a whole host of reasons. There is a cultural drive towards excessive spending during this season and many of us…

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